Sat/Sun December 26 & 27, 1-3pm:
2 Feldenkrais workshops to help you

Hit the "REFRESH" Button on Your Yoga Practice!

Do you always get stuck in the same postures?

Do you compare yourself to your teachers and feel like you fall short?

Do you wish you could feel your joints more clearly and have a better sense of where you are in space?

Do your ever feel bored in your practice?

Do you ever get frustrated trying to keep track of a dozen different alignment cues?

What if you broke the rules every once in a while in order to refresh your perspective?

That's what Reimagining Asana is all about!

What makes the Reimagining Asana approach different from traditional yoga?

  • Using the posture to uncover structural biases in your skeleton, unconscious movement habits, and emotional blindspots
  • Clear explanations of the relationship between the posture and the movements of your everyday life
  • Non-goal oriented approach that makes space for you to find your own unique definition of the ideal
  • Strategic use of improvisation and games to broaden your thinking about the posture
  • Studying the posture in relation to principles of ideal human movement that apply anytime/anywhere
  • Exploring the posture in multiple relationships with gravity to highlight the work of different muscle groups
  • Learning to recognize and adjust for the emotional and/or psychological challenges in your movement practice

Register below for one or both of these Reimagining Asana workshops:

Sat 12/26: Reimagine Downward Dog

What about Upward Dog? Backward Dog? Forward Dog? Sideways Dog? Upside Down Dog?

In this workshop you will gain a new embodied understanding of this classic yoga posture by moving it in new directions, including how to:

  • Lengthen the hamstrings without stretching
  • Release unnecessary muscular contractions that restrict freedom of movement & breath
  • Clarify the connection of your spine to your limbs

Sat 12/27: Reimagine Tree Pose

There's NO SUCH THING as "keeping" your balance.

There is only the continuous challenge of regaining your balance - moment-by-moment - as you navigate the inherent instability of being an upright human being in a rapidly changing world.

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Use your breath to improve your balance
  • Find the highest point on your hip for maximum stability over one leg
  • Clarify your midline for consistent centering

Cost: $25 for each workshop or $40 for both. Recordings of the workshops will be shared with all participants.

Margarita tree



. . . and look out for the next 6-week Reimagining Asana program in January 2021!

Here's some of what people are saying about the Reimagining Asana program:

"I don't know if you work with yoga teachers directly, but you could have a real multiplier effect. Because I've never had a teacher talk about how to do tree pose, all the elements. If there was some way you could do a workshop that would incorporate all of these aspects that you talked about or get involved in their teacher training programs that the different studios have, you could have a real, you know, like I say, a multiplier effect."

"I've been dealing with problems with my hamstring the whole time. Downward Dog has been causing me a lot of challenges in yoga class. The work where we used chairs has been very helpful. Working with the wall has been helpful. And I think it's been helpful for me in general, when I have been in yoga class, to find different ways of distributing my weight on my pelvis.

I'm just thinking with a bigger variety of possibilities."

"For me, I think it's been about an increasing awareness of the differentiation between the pelvis and the femur heads. I brought that awareness into walking, which is turning into a big theme for me as I get older. Especially the class we did about the space of where the femur head was in the socket. And in walking, I can visualize that much more which has been great.

"I was doing a circuit training class yesterday and jumping jacks was one of the exercises. I have a chronic left shoulder problem so I have to be careful. Then I remembered the lesson about extending the finger to bring in different muscles up through the attachment of the shoulder to the chest wall. And I tried extending my finger and thumb and the pain went away. 

You know, you have these roadblocks from your injuries or age and all of a sudden, you find a little tweak, just a minor little tweak in how you engage muscle patterns and it solves real problems. Thanks for that enlightenment!"

"I’m really enjoying the classes. I think you’re a really responsive and interactive teacher. Nothing rote or same old same old.  Good for you! It’s a real pleasure."

"I've got more of a 360 understanding of the way I'm organizing around my spine, more clarity in my hips, resourcing the ground more in walking, going upstairs and running. I can access more lengthen my spine. There's been so much. It's been really rich."

"Very creative, unlike anything I've done before. Thank you very much!"

For years, I've always approached Tree with trepidation. I've always thought, oh, gosh, am I gonna be able to do it today? And how long can I do it? So automatically I've set myself up for usually a negative experience. This has enabled me to go into it now joyfully. Just much more fun period. That's a big thing for me. Wonderful.

"I've really enjoyed it. It has informed my yoga a lot. So I take a lot away with me, and I look forward to seeing you in the next next round."