What are you truly capable of?
My job is to help you find out.
I work with a wide variety of people, but they have one thing in common: the determination to make a fundamental change in their lives for the better. Most of my clients contact me in order to improve in one or more of the following categories:
Ease of Movement / Clarity of Mind / Emotional Resilience
Creative Expression / Relational Connection / Meaning in Life

How does this work?
When we work together, we won’t divide you up into parts - a “bad” shoulder, a haunting memory, a medical diagnosis, etc. Instead, you’ll learn to recognize yourself through the lens of your whole being - and act on that basis.
You’ll learn to observe how the patterns of your body and mind are in constant dialogue with each other - and your surrounding environment. Acting on an embodied understanding of these core relationships will allow you to overcome persistent challenges that have resisted all your previous attempts to make meaningful change.
You will directly experience how:
- Your skeletal support and connection to the ground below your feet provide the basic foundation for your emotional life
- Your personal narrative frames the way you perceive the world and your capacity for creative problem-solving
- Your ability to recognize patterns in the world around you is an essential part of effectively regulating your own nervous system
- Improving the quality of your attention is the basis for every other kind of improvement
At every step, you will have my support, suggestions and encouragement to keep you moving forward on the path to the life you deserve to live. I will provide you with the necessary practices and areas of inquiry and together we will create a plan of action that fits your life.
Learning to integrate your body and mind into the world in this way may sometimes feel unfamiliar to you, but it is based on ancient structures that are deeply coded into your biology.
In other words, this is your birthright as a human animal.
Are you ready to claim what’s rightfully yours?
What do you want to accomplish?
Take a moment to imagine that:
- Your everyday movement - sitting, standing, walking, getting up and down from a chair or the floor, etc. - is simple, graceful, and pain-free
- You have a keen awareness of the state of your body and mind at all times, you understand your internal signals, and you know how to adjust as necessary to maintain a sense of comfort in your own skin
- You have the capacity to creatively reframe any situation to create multiple options for action and escape being trapped in no-win situations
- You know how to identify the areas of focus most deserving of your time and energy in order to accomplish your goals and you have the discipline to act on that knowledge
If this was the way you showed up in the world, how would life be different? How would it affect your career, your relationship to your loved ones, and your community?
Ready to rewrite your story?
If so, here’s the way it works:
- We’ll meet to discuss your key questions and identify the obstacles that are getting in your way. We’ll consider all the parts and link them together to form a clear picture of your whole situation.
- We’ll draw up a plan of action - based on your specific needs and constraints - designed for maximum impact in the months ahead. You’ll receive all the resources you need to organize a powerful and sustainable personal growth practice. You’ll continue to have my support as your practice develops.
- You might find that this work opens your horizons more broadly than finding the answers to the questions that you started with. If you decide that it’s time to make deep and lasting changes in your life, I can provide you with continued guidance to make that possible.
There’s no reason to stay stuck in historical patterns that are aligned against your future happiness.
Click below to book a free call.
Here’s what people are saying about working with me:
“As a former professional ballet dancer and Gyrotonic Master Trainer with 30 years of experience in teaching movement, I am highly trained in doing exactly what is told of me and then some. So it's a welcoming experience to be given permission to go here or there with my body according to how I feel. After a session with Seth, my body remembers another era of my life, before my career and any trauma. I’m brought back to a time in which I played more and my body reflected this.
Seth has a gentle way about him which lends itself to the inviting and exploratory approach of the Feldenkrais method. His voice is calm and his tone is non judgmental as he asks you to observe and ponder upon your body’s sensations. He gives you permission to move towards your natural physical tendencies and patterns and then asks you to see what happens when you choose another direction.
This seemingly subtle work has a profound unwinding and repatterning effect on the body and mind. It creates a safe environment in which to release not just physical tensions but emotional ones as well.” - AF
"When I first met Seth I was struggling a lot with staying present, with my body, with my work, with I guess you could say life in general. I wanted to improve the way I was moving, for sure. But what I got was way more than that. I now know how to slow down and really feel at ease in my self. I know how to listen more deeply. I'm more comfortable taking breaks and integrating my practice at a deeper level. That's been a game-changer for me. I couldn't imagine my life now without doing this important work." - JN
"Before I started working with Seth, I was experiencing painful spasms in my low back on a regular basis that affected just about everything I did. In particular, I couldn't enjoy walking, one of my favorite activities. After 20 sessions, the back spasms have all but disappeared. Today I walked eight blocks and carried groceries home. I am able to walk whenever I like and attend regular yoga classes.
Seth shares his extensive knowledge of the Feldenkrais Method by physically helping you with the small movements in a very relaxing way. I gained a new understanding of the spine and how all parts of the body interact. The brain is also engaged in some subtle way so that the mind-body connection is transformed." - PA
“During the winter of the Pandemic, I began having regular headaches for the first time in my life. Upon examination and after a series of tests, my internist and an ENT doctor pointed out stress and tension in my neck and jaw as the culprits and recommended massage and relaxation.
I had taken part in Feldenkrais classes with Seth a few years ago and remembered the beneficial effect this gentle and mindful work had on my nervous system. Our first conversation immediately confirmed I was on the right road to understanding and healing. Seth was curious and eager to help me. He observed how I was moving and communicating and offered a mini-lesson during that first call that was the beginning of a process of deepening awareness for me.
We began a series of sessions that involved a variety of explorations, all of these brought me back to how I was holding my head and neck and even how mask wearing might be tied to my holding back my self expression and creating tension. It was amazing to see how the whole body-mind could be involved in creating tension and healing tension.
For me, the one-on-one sessions created an environment for deep personal learning and growth. Not only is awareness gained about the physical, but it was surprising to see how habitual ways of thinking and perceptions about myself and others were also part of the realignment process.
My headaches have gone, my jaw is relaxing, I'm more aware of my breath, I'm more aware of my fear of expressing myself openly, I am more grounded. The other good news is that this work has fed my curiosity and creativity in my work.
Thanks Seth!” - MSL
“I received a formal diagnosis of Benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome a few years ago and continued to be challenged to lead a pain-free life of greater strength and mobility. I am a bundle of on-going injuries. While I have had some success working out in a pool, I realized overall that the fear of pain and more injuries was limiting how I went about the world. I felt I had lost my internal gyroscope, and that my lack of proprioception was having a very serious impact on the quality of my life.
After 7 one-on-one sessions with Seth, I can report significantly more ease with some basics that had been plaguing me – getting up and sitting down on chairs, walking, and the like.” - EMT
"I always find myself fortunate when teachers cross my path who show me the way to unlearning, the way to decondition from the clichés of the collective, and how I can learn for myself through my own experience rather than relying on information thrown at me by the outside world.
Seth is definitely one of them. I'd recommend him to everyone who's open to explore and dive into the unknown depths of the intelligence of this magical vehicle we call the human body." - CU