Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash
unpolished thoughts 12/21/2018
It’s time to begin.
Once again, beginning without knowing where I’m going.
This is my practice.
Begin without knowing and keep going.
See where you go. See if you arrive somewhere useful.
Keep up the momentum. What is it for?
Don’t know yet? Just keep going.
Keep the momentum going. Just continue. Continue to keep that momentum. See what happens.
See what happens if you keep going and keep up that momentum. If you keep up that momentum and keep going.
Maybe you can find some kind of flow. Something that begins to move on it’s own without the need to keep pushing. Something with direction.
Keep going.
Don’t hesitate, pause, stop, every time you wonder what’s next. Keep going.
Which way does the momentum take you?
Are you spinning out of control?
No? Keep going.
Yes? Right the ship.
(Righted? OK, good. Keep going.)
Go, lose it, bring it back, continue.
Go again, lose it again, bring it back again.
You’re gaining practice righting your ship. Mistake after mistake after mistake.
Making mistakes is getting more familiar.
What do you do when you make mistakes? Do you correct them? Or just back up a bit and try again?
What did you do with the last mistake? Did that work out for you?
Do it again or do something better.
Keep going – do you have momentum yet?
Keep going until you have momentum.
What’s different when you have momentum? It’s a whole new ball game, isn’t it?
What are you going to do with this momentum?
Are you going to go further or go to sleep until the momentum runs out? Which do you prefer?
If you lose the momentum, how will you get it back?
Do you know to build momentum?
Do you build it in five directions at once or by aiming your arrow at one single target over and over? When do you know if you’re aiming in the right direction?
Are you moving yet?
Good. Keep going.
Not moving? What have you tried already? What haven’t you tried? Can you try something new?
Pause for a minute and look back at all the things you did: building momentum, losing it, changing course, losing control, regaining it, making mistakes, starting again.
What’s the direction of the line from back there and then up to right here and now?
Are you moving in circles or are you going somewhere?
What do you see? What do you conclude? What are you going to do about it?
Which do you prefer, moving or standing still?
If you were to stand still and stay here forever, what would that be like?
Would you be happy? If you’re not happy here, where will you go?
Do you know where you want to go?
Yes? Great. Go.
No? Great. What questions can you ask that will help you to know?
Got a question?
Great. Ask your question.
Did the answer help you set your course and set sail?
Yes? Great. Go.
No? Great. Next question!
When you’re on the move again, how does that feel? How does it compare to previously sitting still?
Do you feel it in your body? Can you go into that feeling, explore it, really get to know it?
If it’s a feeling that you’d like to feel all the time, what do you need to do to keep feeling this feeling?
If you got out of bed every day with this feeling, what would life be like then?
How do you think it would impact your ability to create momentum and sustain it?
How do you know if your answer to the this kind of question is right? How will you test your theories in action so that you can see and feel a result?
Or are you satisfied with mental gymnastics alone?
How would you know if you are asking the right questions?
Do you answer the questions, then find something else to do? Or find a kernel of something new and take it with you?
What’s the difference between the experience is worth forgetting and the one that you want to build from?
When you feel the thing that’s worth keeping what do you do to make sure you don’t lose it?
Did you discover it yourself?
Yes? Great. Can you describe how you did that so you could do it again?
No? Great. Who helped you? Can you nurture that relationship so you can get more of that help?
What do you feel now?
Does it feel like momentum?
Great, go for it!
That’s the idea!