seeing beyond scarcity
Scarcity is a peculiar kind of blindness where we can not see the possibilities in front of us. As unpleasant as it is, recognizing our patterns when we are in that dark place might help to wake us up to a new kind of seeing.
Scarcity is a peculiar kind of blindness where we can not see the possibilities in front of us. As unpleasant as it is, recognizing our patterns when we are in that dark place might help to wake us up to a new kind of seeing.
Two compositions by the experimental composer LaMonte Young serve as a useful reminder that something extraordinary lies just under the surface of the apparently ordinary.
My life was changed forever by the revolutionary multi-instrumentalist, composer and improviser Anthony Braxton. Later it was changed forever again by somatic pioneer Moshe Feldenkrais. Here’s a partial account of how and why.
Moshe Feldenkrais clarified that the emotions are expressed through the musculature. So why shouldn’t learning to control muscular tone have everything do with our ability to control our emotions?