how many options do you have?

Photo by Ben Mullins on Unsplash

unpolished thoughts 12/24/2018

Moshe Feldenkrais used to say that until you have three options, you don’t have the possibility to make a real human choice. Yes vs. no isn’t enough to live the life you want to live.

Recently I was in a situation with a group where logistical details and particulars were being discussed at length. The room was divided between those that really needed all the reassurance that everything would be ok and the other half that was groaning and wondering when we could just get on with things.

I was in the second group, but I found that I didn’t want to be. So I decided to form my own group, defined by the understanding that I had no need endure the boredom of paying attention to what was being said.

I opened my journal and began writing, happily processing my thoughts, while the people all around me kept listening to something they didn’t want to hear, and groaning.

Today might be a day like that. I’ll try to keep in mind the third option, in case I need it.

Sometimes boredom is an invitation to creativity.