to do list

Photo by Olia Gozha on Unsplash

unpolished thoughts 3/7/2019

Wait. Listen. Feel. See. Notice. Ask. Try. Sense. Find. Connect. Be. Rest. Move. Think. Pause. Process. Share. Wonder. Inquire. Stay. Follow. Turn. Return. Release. Breathe. Taste. Dive. Open. Give. Pray. Allow. Channel. Create. Offer. Respond. Relinquish. Remember. Imagine. Rehearse. Do. Grow. Change. Accept. Befriend. Welcome. Show. Model. Mentor. Encourage. Support. Assist. Respect. Learn. Refresh. Recalibrate. Resume. Walk. Run. Jump. Climb. Travel. Exchange. Understand. Comfort. Teach. Work. Continue. Imagine. Reimagine. Recycle. Strengthen. Balance. Lift. Reach. Send. Push. Reveal. Integrate. Emulate. Elevate. Develop. Communicate. Collaborate. Invent. Extend. Enter. Lengthen. Call. Fly. Dream. Celebrate. Empower. Plant. Blossom. Cook. Mix. Nourish. Digest. Spread. Intend. Attend. Embody. Unchain. Unlearn. Illuminate. Begin.


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2 thoughts on “to do list”

  1. I find this list very uplifting. If it represents my human experiences, (and it does) then indeed the universe is a friendly place. Thank you!

  2. Thanks for reading, Laurie!

    Every so often I like to do these kind of one-word meditations. It’s the space between the words where interesting things happen.

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