passionate obligations
How do you find the joy in fulfilling your obligations? You can call it a mindset shift, but it’s worth asking: are they really obligations or are you living the life you chose to live?
How do you find the joy in fulfilling your obligations? You can call it a mindset shift, but it’s worth asking: are they really obligations or are you living the life you chose to live?
How do miracles happen? Good question. One thing is for certain, you can’t force them. So what can you do? Here’s what I’m doing right now.
In my Feldenkrais practice, I touch people and listen together with them through my hands. Today I was able to receive the gift of listening hands, shifting my own ability to listen.
How can you prepare for a situation unlike you’ve ever experienced before? My way is to become clear about what I don’t know, through the practice of presence, to make room for unknown possibilities.
How do you measure your progress? If you are clear on what means you are moving closer or further from your goal, then you can begin refining your practice.