What does a personal Feldenkrais practice look like?
The Feldenkrais Method is a unique and unusual approach to movement. Sometimes it’s hard for people to understand how to develop it into a personal practice. Here’s how.
The Feldenkrais Method is a unique and unusual approach to movement. Sometimes it’s hard for people to understand how to develop it into a personal practice. Here’s how.
What’s the difference between trying to “succeed” and trying to improve”? Moshe Feldenkrais taught us that our drive to achieve makes us move too quickly, not listening to ourselves. But there is a better way.
An Awareness Through Movement lesson I recently discovered, called “Knots in the Crotches” is a wonderful example of the creativity of Moshe Feldenkrais. It nurtures our creativity too.
There is a moment in movement practice that you can use to change your entire way of being in the world if you start to bring it into your attention. Then you’ll notice it everywhere.
About a painful thing in my childhood that they told me was “good for me”. The echoes still show up today in my thinking and in my right arm. Part two of the story of how I’m unraveling this old trauma.