song of the day
I’ve started sharing songs online on a daily basis, accompanied by a “movement suggestion” to invite you into a deeper listening/moving experience. Here’s the story behind that and your invitation in.
I’ve started sharing songs online on a daily basis, accompanied by a “movement suggestion” to invite you into a deeper listening/moving experience. Here’s the story behind that and your invitation in.
Feldenkrais practice doesn’t just grease your joints. It opens up the creative channels, allowing new expression to flow outwards.
The problems in our mind also show up in our body. That’s why movement is often better than thinking, especially moving into aliveness, possibility and connection.
If you are already moving, knowing how to continue, without losing control or losing momentum, is a magical skill. It can even help you get other people moving.
Contact improvisation, an exploratory form of expressive social interaction in the field of gravity, is a beautiful experience. How do we hold ourselves and each other up?