the art of asking questions
Feldenkrais practitioner don’t have the answers you are looking for – you do. The practitioner’s art is the art of asking questions. When you are asked the right questions, you’ll be amazed at the answers you find.
Feldenkrais practitioner don’t have the answers you are looking for – you do. The practitioner’s art is the art of asking questions. When you are asked the right questions, you’ll be amazed at the answers you find.
What is the weightiest question in your life? Whatever answer comes to mind, you might want to consider something else in relation to the story you are telling yourself. You might find that it’s even weightier.
There are all kinds of patterns in your daily existence that you are probably completely unaware of. But that’s ok. You can become intentional and begin to notice more – and you might be amazed at what you find.
Scarcity is a peculiar kind of blindness where we can not see the possibilities in front of us. As unpleasant as it is, recognizing our patterns when we are in that dark place might help to wake us up to a new kind of seeing.
My life was changed forever by the revolutionary multi-instrumentalist, composer and improviser Anthony Braxton. Later it was changed forever again by somatic pioneer Moshe Feldenkrais. Here’s a partial account of how and why.