mood reversibility
Your mood colors everything you see, but, if you understand that, you can take the experience with a grain of salt. And sometimes, like I did this morning, you can reverse out of it.
Your mood colors everything you see, but, if you understand that, you can take the experience with a grain of salt. And sometimes, like I did this morning, you can reverse out of it.
What do you when everything is in disarray? When things get so bad that you can’t put off dealing with them any longer, sometimes it’s a nice reminder that maintenance isn’t what we’re here for.
¡Reimagine DC! is a new kind of Feldenkrais class, especially for creative adventurers in Washington DC who want to explore the potential of movement as a vehicle for transformative change.
There are some things you “just know” – but how did that happen? Through repeated experience, or imprinting. How can you use the process of imprinting to your advantage?