momentum, counterbalance, and community
If you are already moving, knowing how to continue, without losing control or losing momentum, is a magical skill. It can even help you get other people moving.
If you are already moving, knowing how to continue, without losing control or losing momentum, is a magical skill. It can even help you get other people moving.
Meditation interrupts the thought process. One technique, counting breaths, doesn’t require you to sit with your eyes closed. You can do it in traffic too. Sometimes that really helps.
What happens everyday is rarely the same. Zoom in on the details and you’ll find endless variation. Are you present enough to notice?
Your mood colors everything you see, but, if you understand that, you can take the experience with a grain of salt. And sometimes, like I did this morning, you can reverse out of it.
What do you when everything is in disarray? When things get so bad that you can’t put off dealing with them any longer, sometimes it’s a nice reminder that maintenance isn’t what we’re here for.